Turret Sleeves Company has been your Punch Press Specialists since 1984.

Turret Sleeves Company developed the sleeving process for AMADA upper turret disks and we use this process each and every time we repair a machine. Because we developed this process and are still using it today, we have more experience and more knowledge available to help you understand the process and what we can do for you. We have been sleeving punch presses longer than any other company. We have what it takes to help you restore your punch press to OEM specifications and get you back into production.

There is no one better at this process than Turret Sleeves Company.

"We're not the best because we've been here the longest.  We've been here the longest because we're the best!"

Convenience and Service 

We work hard to keep you up and running

Turret Sleeves Company will work around your production or maintenance schedule.  This means we will work nights and weekends at no additional cost to you